elegance at your fingertips
As the heels of your shoes click and clack on the granite walkways, you're surrounded by Medieval Tudor inspired architecture, crafted with fieldstone and dark red sandstone. As you are being welcomed to the beautiful Searles Castle, the quiet grounds rest on 125 acres awaiting the next memory to be created.
striking beauty
With imported antiques and materials from Europe, the castle and surrounding grounds stand strong with beauty, assuring that your photos will be beautiful every step of the way.
your fairytale to reality
With access to a get ready suite, you will be able to view your guests upon arrival as they get off the shuttle bus and begin to greet one another.
it's taken care of
As the final touches and pieces are pulled together, your personal consultant will ensure that your day is taken care of the way you envisioned. Family & friends will be able to enjoy in picture partaking, as well as enjoy the grounds of Searles Castle.